voidsy gmbh is an innovative deep-tech startup founded in 2022 by Dr. Holger Plasser, Dr. Günther Mayr, Dr. Gregor Thummerer and DI Gernot Mayr. The founders have 15 years of experience in the acquisition, management and financial planning or execution of industrial and cooperative research projects. Click below to meet our team and learn more about us.
Funded by tech2b and Preseed - Deep Tech of the BMDW and the BMK, handled by aws.
This project is funded by the FFG. www.ffg.at
„Wir investieren nachhaltig in die Zukunft Österreichs. Unsere Förderprogramme stärken rot-weiß-rote Innovationen, sichern Know-how und wertvolle Arbeitsplätze in unserem Land. Denn nur wer heute schon an den Lösungen von morgen arbeitet, behält im globalen Wettbewerb die Nase vorn“, betonen die FFG-Geschäftsführer Henrietta Egerth und Klaus Pseiner.
Dr. Egerth & Dr. Pseinervoidsy gmbh | Stelzhamerstraße 16, 4600 Wels, AUSTRIA | office@voidsy.com | Company registration: FN 587365 y | Managing Director: Dr. Holger Plasser
We´re closed from December 23, 2024, to January 2, 2025, as we take time to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful start to 2025!